Earn Lakhs of Rupees through Mushroom Cultivation in Odisha

With rising population and problem of unemployment, India is not recovering from its poverty line and same situation is for Youth of Odisha.

Whether you are a retired employee, house wife or a student, if you have minimum space of 400 Square Feet, I can bet you can start mushroom plantation and earn a living.

I know many of you not believe that you can earn Lakhs of rupees by mushroom farming. Earning is depending on how much space you have and the employee managing capacity of the Entrepreneur.

Are you still thinking you don't have money to invest, so how can you earn. Right?

Don't worry, I will guide you through all process of earning from it.

Income from Cultivation
Straw Mushroom

First of all, thank you for reading till now, it means you have some passion for farming and generating money.

Let's go to each step of MUSHROOM CULTIVATION:

I am assuming you all have minimum 10000 rupees with you or at-least borrow from some friend or relatives for 1 month.

If still you don't have support for above money, you can approach any bank or take guidance of loan from Horticulture departmental office near your home or place you want to cultivate it.

Basic Requirements:
  • Land or Space
  • Straw
  • Mushroom Seed
  • Water Facility
  • Laborer
  • Polyethene
  • Straw Cutter
Are you still not clear on above, please comment. 

Writing In Progress. Keep Reading.
